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Why Most People Don't Get What They Want From Life

"I'm good at whatever I set my mind to." Here's the truth, everyone is. That doesn't make you unique. What makes you unique is executing the accurate inputs over enough time to achieve the desired outcome.

Most people cannot maintain the execution for long enough. Gary Keller says "most people are unwilling to endure the monotony of success."

Success or achievement of a desired outcome is not for the special few, it’s there for each and everyone of us. I’m going to talk in this video about a very helpful mindset shift you need to make if you want to build and life and business to your potential...

Early in my entrepreneurial career I believed I was going to get rich and be successful in business because if I put the hours in I would be rewarded for it and I deserved it. I really believe in the law of attraction and think and grow rich mindset of envisioning and affirming myself to success.

I don't even like saying that out loud because it’s embarrassing.

Doing produces results. Thinking, envisioning, and affirming are fine but if you don’t get boots on the ground and actually do something nothing will ever happen for you.

We all want or desire a certain outcome. Accurate, right, good inputs are those that move us toward that aim. Inaccurate, wrong, or bad inputs do not move us toward that aim. You can have a behavior that is in itself good, like working out, but is accurate toward the aim of making money. You can execute inputs that lead to make money, yet that doesn’t make you healthy or foster your relationships.

Focus on your inputs.

You can have anything you want. But you can’t have everything. Every input produces an output.

You must understand that not all work (what you put in) is created equal what I am saying is that not all inputs produce the same outputs. Obviously, right? We all know that. So then why we do we over complicate success and achievement of a desired outcome. It is not a special thing, it is there for you. Drop the idea that it’s out of reach for you.

The reality is we pretend we are doing the right inputs. We pretend we are doing the work, and fool ourselves into thinking we are deserving of the rewards. The reality is most of us aren't doing the one or two things we must do to achieve the results we actually want. We do everything else and it’s not just the things with negative connotations like laziness, procrastination, etc. It could very well be other things we need to get done…

It's like we need to get the one thing done, but we get back to emails instead. We need to work out, but a few more minutes of sleep won't hurt this morning, etc. It's subtle, but nevertheless damaging. Subtle, seemingly insignificant distractions off course over time lead to failure, misery, and regret.

Accurate inputs are those activities and behaviors that move us toward a desired outcome. We are aimed at an outcome, accurate inputs are those small, daily, seemingly insignificant behaviors and activities that move us toward our aim. Every choice matters. Execute for long enough, and let these little, critical daily inputs compound and take you, your relationships, your business, and your life to new heights.

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