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Pursue Your Potential In This Life. Not Happiness...

Updated: May 2, 2023

If you're life is too easy and comfortable you'll never grow toward your potential and become the person you could be...

You are not perfect the way you are... and that is all really good news.

In fact when you ditch the idea and mindset that you deserve a happy, easy life and that you are perfect the way you are, you begin to walk the path of a meaningful life toward your potential.

What you experience along that path is so much better than fleeting happiness and comfort...

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There is more hope in this outlook. You can and should be better than you are. In fact you have a responsibility and obligation to be better than you are. So get working on yourself and take yourself to new heights.

A meaningful life with the awareness that you did all you could to be the person God made you to be is significantly better than a happy life. If I'm striving toward that highest aim I can actually be unhappy, frustrated, sad yet still have steady joy and peace knowing I'm on the path.

The moments in my life where I was most effective and made the most gains have been not when I'm happy, but actually when I'm feeling angst, pressure, and pain.

This is why we shouldn't seek an easy and comfortable life. In order for your muscles to grow and your body to get stronger they must break down through exercise to grow larger. This applies to all aspects of life.

When a tree is pruned it's cut back, looks stupid and bare, yet in time it grows larger and more full because it was cut back.

All of the heroes through out human history, did they have easy, comfortable, happy lives?

The legends don't seek these things.

A life of adventure, growth, progress comes in the unknown, with failure, and risk. Give me that life!

Finally, drop the idea that you are perfect the way you are. It's a lie, you could be so much better than you currently are, And you will he so much better than you are IF you commit to becoming the person God made you to be like your life depends on it. That means actually and practically. Like in your behavior, words, activities, and habits. You are either moving toward that person, contributing to build up others and the world or not.

When we are babies we learn how to walk, then talk, and we progress. At what age Can you say you must stop progressing? The answer is never, your life is a continual process of moving toward the best version of yourself. You'll probably never get there in this life. which is great because you always have something to strive for.

with out something to strive for, with out something to challenge us, we decay and wilt away Just like everything else.

Never stop moving along the path toward becoming the person you could be and doing the work you were made for in this life, and by doing So you earn the unwavering joy, peace, and meaning that we are desperately yearning for in this life.

Are you a God-given purpose obsessive looking to join a community of others striving toward their potential? You are in the right place. Subscribe here to join us.

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