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The Mindset Shift Required For Success as an Entrepreneur

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

The hard truth that every entrepreneur and creator must clearly understand is that if you are going to work for yourself, and your financial future and family are reliant on you, it's not about the hours or just showing up to work..

That's not enough... No, you have to bring it every day. And that it is high level value and competence.

I learned this because after my first business failed I started in real estate from scratch. And in order for me to get business I needed to sell. I needed to get people to want to use me to help buy or sell their house...

Most new businesses fail because if you don't sell anything you make zero dollars.

Most new creators fail because it no one pays you with their attention, in other words, you can't sell anything you make zero dollars.

If you’re not good, you don’t bring it… meaning you don't add any value, even if what you are offering is free, it's not even worth people's time.

The harsh truth is that people would rather pay their money to someone who can offer value and competence rather than work with you for free if you’re not valuable or competent. That's a gut punch. But extremely useable. Because it gives you a path forward if you are just getting started….

When what you have to offer is valuable, people pay you. When you can communicate that value competently, people pay you more. When you are uncommonly valuable and can communicate it uncommonly well, you never have to worry about money again.

Do you understand what I am saying?

There is a flip you must switch if you want to succeed in business. Some people call it clicking...

There is a difference between just making the call to say you did and setting an appointment. There is a difference between just going to an appointment and closing a customer.

No one is going to buy from you or pay attention to you because they feel bad for you. And yes, you are annoying until you earn the right for their attention and payment.

You earn that right by delivering value and competence, and that's a different level than just showing up and putting in hours.There is a mindset that you need to be a successful entrepreneur and business owner. It's a closer mindset. It's a mindset that brings "it."

That "it" is a high level of competence and value that makes people listen to you when you talk. They can hear and almost feel the expertise in your voice.

This allows you to control conversation and close deals. It's a real thing, and it's required of you if you want to succeed in this arena.

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